One of My Favorite Parts of Fall in Southern California: the California Native Plant Sale Oct 11 & 12 2008

I just got the postcard today!  Admission is free and this comes perfectly timed for Fall Planting Season.  This is a great place to find beautiful native plants for your area, even if you have dry shade, full blazing sun or live in a boggy canyon bottom.  Plus they always have great food, so I’m Read More…

Plant Profile: Rosemary Herb Plant Growth And Care

Did you know rosemary is drought tolerant? I’ve just added a new rosemary page to my So Cal gardening site where I try to focus on low water plants. Here are a few excerpts for my gardening blog pals: Fragrant rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial, evergreen shrub. Not only are they wonderful cooking herbs, Read More…

Plant Profile: Ethereal White Sage Blooms Add Grace to Southern California

California White Sage (Salvia apiana) This beautiful shrub is native to Southern California and Baja. It is usually found growing wild in the coastal sage scrub habitat on the western edges of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. The books say it will grows five feet tall (at least) and 5 feet across, but I have Read More…