Blue Flowering Sage Herb Plants for #FloralFriday

The sage is blooming now, it is so pretty I just had to share it with you.This is regular culinary sage. I must say I am very impressed with how drought tolerant it is! It is growing with some lavender and artemis plants. Both plants are known to be drought tolerant bloomers, but I was Read More…

Texas Ranger; Brave Bloomer in Hot Dry Gardens for #FloralFriday

This brave plant currently blooming in 100 degree heat is called Texas Ranger or Leucophyllum frutescens. It is also one of the oddest plants I have grown, but more about that later. After a few years of getting established it is really blooming this year. Most Leucophyllums have purple flowers with more of an open Read More…

You Say Aeonium I Say Echeveria Succulent Plant; It Is Blooming For #FloralFriday

Here is an update on the flowing succulent plant in my garden. My Complete Book of Cactus and Succulent volume is telling me this is an aeonium haworthii and even includes a photo. Most of the aeoniums I see have flat leaves and tend to look like a plate on the end of a stick. Read More…

Santolina Or Lavender Cotton Tough Drought Tolerant Shrubs With Yellow Flowers

Of all the flowering drought tolerant shrubs I have planted in my garden I count santolina, or Lavender cotton, as one of the best. This is a real tough customer when it comes to being completely drought tolerant in my hot, baking southern California garden. They tolerate full sun and summers that can reach over Read More…

Astounding Amaryllis Flowers Blooming in So California August Heat

Amaryllis belladonna are fascinating flowers. They bloom straight out of the bare ground on tall stalks. Their flowers are large and dramatic, shaped like trumpets about four inches long. They smell wonderful and can perfume a room on a hot summer day. They bloom in late summer or early fall. The leaves are on a Read More…

Delicate Flowering Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia for Hot Weather Gardens

Here in Los Angeles, the Crape Myrtle Trees begin blooming around April and are still in bloom now in July, despite the 100 degree heat wave. These perennials are known for their beautiful clusters of flowers that look like crinkles of crepe paper. Colors come in bright white, dusty pinks, neon reds onto pink and Read More…

Purple Wisteria Blossoms, Pink And Peach Peace Rose on #FloralFriday

Today’s frequently #FloralFriday features beautiful purple, violet wisteria blossoms and a peachy pink Peace rose.  There’s also an element of trepidation and mystery, but I’ll get to that later. When I moved into this house there were a few old, giant rose bushes.  They seemed to want to climb, so I put a little arch Read More…

Pink Roses, Lavender And Yellow Acacia Flowers For #FloralFriday

I am luck, luck, lucky enough to have a few things blooming in my garden right now, so I’m sharing the floral joy to brighten up your Friday.  And two of these flowers are from drought tolerant plants, so take heart my fellow desert dwellers. This is a pretty pink tea rose that grows tall Read More…