Plant Profile: Ethereal White Sage Blooms Add Grace to Southern California

California White Sage (Salvia apiana) This beautiful shrub is native to Southern California and Baja. It is usually found growing wild in the coastal sage scrub habitat on the western edges of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. The books say it will grows five feet tall (at least) and 5 feet across, but I have Read More…

Plant Profile: Crassula Capitella Another Color Change Plant

Here’s another succulent plant in my collection that changes color. This is Crassula capitella, sometimes called Crassula erosula. This succulent has also been called Red Flames or Campfire Plant. It has bright, lime green leaves with flaming orange red tips. It gets tiny white flowers on upright stalks in early spring. When grown in shade, Read More…

Plant Profile: Crassula Portulacea or Spoon Jade or ET Fingers or Gollum Jade

Any more names for this jade species? I’ve always appreciated it for the way it looks like coral, sea grass or some exotic undersea plant you’d find waving with the currents in Ariel’s Secret Grotto. Horseshoe or Spoon Jade is also called Gollum Fingers or ET fingers. These plants can take full sun to light Read More…