Toyon: Red and Green California Christmas Holly

This is Toyon, also called California Christmas Berry or Christmas Holly or Heteromeles arbutifolia. These beautiful shrubs are prized for their bright red berries and deep green leaves. This is a fan-tab-ulous alternative to regular Holly (Ilex) when you need something drought-tolerant for your garden AND a little something for the birds and the bees Read More…

Delicate Flowering Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia for Hot Weather Gardens

Here in Los Angeles, the Crape Myrtle Trees begin blooming around April and are still in bloom now in July, despite the 100 degree heat wave. These perennials are known for their beautiful clusters of flowers that look like crinkles of crepe paper. Colors come in bright white, dusty pinks, neon reds onto pink and Read More…

Euryops: Drought Tolerant, Fast Growing Winter Flowering Shrubs For Southern California

If you are looking for a nice drought tolerant shrub that flowers almost year-round try Euryops. I planted these as a quick fix for a bare bed about four years ago. I knew they were fairly fast growing and flowered in winter. The plan was to get something started quick and fill in the blank Read More…

What’s Blooming In Southern California This April

Wondering what to plant now that will bloom next spring?  Here are a few heat-resistant, drought-tolerant ideas for you.  All of the plants in my garden are growing on rainfall alone.  Umm, OK, when it was 120 degrees last year I may have given them a little extra water, but that was it, really. I Read More…

Plant Profile: Crassula Ovata or Jade Plant, great succulent plants for dry gardens.

Right now is a perfect time to plant your succulent garden! It’s still cool and we have rain so you don’t have to water! Jades are in bloom right now. Crassula ovata or Jade plants are shrubby succulent plants that make excellent choices for dry gardens and container plants. Xeriscaping with drought tolerant cactus and Read More…

Hot Pink Flowering Bougainvillea

Here’s a quick late night Friday Floral for you; the bougainvilleas are blooming here in southern California, and putting on quite a show. Their colors can range from purple to reds, pinks or white, but my favorites are the hot pink versions.  This one is climbing over a fence in my neighborhood.  Once they get Read More…

Care and Growth of Shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day

All shamrocks are considered lucky and are worn and given as gifts on St. Patrick’s Day.  Several different plants are sold as Shamrocks.  There is some disagreement as to the exact plant, but most Irish growers will tell you Trifolium repens, or white clover are most commonly known as shamrocks. If you were lucky enough Read More…