Growing Drought Tolerant Herbs in Your Kitchen Garden
Did you know many popular kitchen herbs can be grown in a drought tolerant garden?
You don’t need a greenhouse, or an estate garden to grow fresh rosemary, sage and other herbs. Many are native to dry, Mediterranean areas, and are very drought tolerant.
Some drought-tolerant herbs are used in landscaping as much for their alluring aroma, but their reliable flowers and ability to withstand hot, dry conditions.
Here are a few of my favorites.

Growing and Care of Fragrant Culinary Sage Plants
Some sages are valuable cooking herbs, all are beautiful and fragrant drought-tolerant garden bloomers. Annual sages are great for quick color in flower beds. ...

Rosemary Plants as Cooking Herb and Drought Tolerant Shrubs
Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial, evergreen shrub. Not only are they wonderful cooking herbs, they are also dependable plants to consider in any ...

Lovely, Flowering, Fragrant Lavender Plants
Lavender (lavandula) plants are small shrubs native to the warm, dry Mediterranean region. They are perfect for drought tolerant gardens and provide wonderful fragrant ...