Containers gardens are a great way to have vegetables and flowers without a yard.
Plants can be grown in anything from an empty soup can to an old whisky soaked wooden barrel.
Succulent plants are great choices for containers. They are more willing to tolerate a pot you’ve forgotten to water the last few months. Hey, you’re busy, I know.
Succulents and cacti do best in bright sunlight. If your window gets full sun all day these would be a good choice. Bright, indirect sunlight will also work too.
Many vegetables also do well in pots. They usually require regular watering and you will have much better luck outdoors where they can get unfiltered sunlight.
Seed companies now have bush type tomatoes, beans and even watermelons. These are meant especially for small gardens or containers, I’ve had good luck with a few of them.
If you are growing vegetables you will have better luck sticking with larger size containers. One gallon or bigger is a good rule of thumb.
Unique Ideas for Plant Containers
Sometimes you just have to get creative when searching for free or low-cost plant containers. For smaller plants there are some unique ideas you can try if you don’t have a lot of money for containers.
Dairy Containers for Plants: Over about 16 ounces will work fine. Poke three or four holes in the bottom for drainage. If there is a lid, turn that into your saucer.
Any plastic container will work, try cutting the top off a liter bottle, or a plastic gallon container. Cut the top off a 5 gallon milk jug and use that for a plant container you can hang along a wall or balcony railing. Don’t forget to poke a few holes in the bottom of your container for drainage.
Try winding ribbon around your impromptu plant pot for a decorative touch, or use paint to cover the printing you don’t like.
Get creative and wrap it with colored gaffers tape.
Martha Stewart would probably tell you to try adhesive shelf liners. They come in different patterns, will stick to the plastic and should be able to withstand a little bit of watering.

Here’s another idea for a plant container; your favorite coffee mug – after it cracks!
I just loved this little daisy mug (I keep meaning to do something like it for the store….). But it cracked in a way that couldn’t be fixed.
It’s about 16 oz, so, I popped in a plant growing in a 3 inch plastic pot.
This is a variegated Crassula Ovata (succulent plant) so it doesn’t need a lot of water anyway.
When it is time to water my plant, I can just grab the handle and whisk it off to the sink. The mug still leaks, so I have to make sure the mug is finished dripping before I put it back. I’m pretty clumsy so I am gathering quite a collection of planters!