theGardenPages Home

Welcome to the Garden Pages from Sunny So Cal Good to see you!  I’ve got photos and articles on growing California native and western plants,  succulent plants and cacti, plus planting tips on growing drought-tolerant and dry weather plants. So, kick off your shoes and relax at theGardenPages! California Native Plants and Garden Inspiration:Drought tolerant Read More…

Fall Planting Tips: 3 Flowering Succulent Plants For Drought Tolerant Gardens And Containers

Succulents are plants that are able to store water in their stems and leaves, enabling them to live for long periods of time without water. They are similar to cactus but without the thorns (usually). This is a very large grouping of plants with many different colors, leaf shapes and growth habits.  Most flowering succulent Read More…

Growing Kalanchoe for Drought Tolerant Gardens or as House Plants

You may not think of kalanchoes as succulent plants, but they are. Kalanchoes are another member of the Crassulaceae or Stonecrop family. They are reliable dry garden bloomers known for their bright flowers. Most varieties are perennial and evergreen, making them perfect candidates for my hot, dry landscape. Their flowers bloom in small bouquets of Read More…

#FloralFriday: Gollum Jade is Flowering and Looking Like Sea Coral

OK, this is the late night, almost full moon edition of Friday Floral. Here is a flowering Crassula Portulacea, commonly called Horseshoe or Spoon Jade. Or more lately Gollum Jade and now Shrek Fingers. I’m sure it will have a new nickname when another movie comes out. Anyway, this has typical crassula-type flowers, almost exactly Read More…

FloralFriday Rosary Plant Flowers Open in So Cal

The flowers have finally opened on my Rosary Plant (crassula rupestris). Woo hooo! I’m excited because not all of my plants bloom every year. This little guy is in a 3 inch pot and it is his second year. I am completely enchanted by these cute little succulent plants. I’ve got them filling in pots Read More…

Heat Wave Takes Toll On Southern California Gardens With Sunburned Plants

My plants are frying! OK, so it’s been over 100 degrees here in sunny so Cal for the past few days. That’s OK, it’s called summer, we learned about this in school. And the state of California has declared a drought, and the city of Los Angeles is asking us to reduce our water consumption. Read More…