Spring Flowers In Southern California

lavender flowers

Warm weather is bringing flower blossoms and sprouting bulbs here in Los Angeles. Here are a few pretty baubles blessing my garden right now:

Lavender is blooming all over. We’ve has a few bouts of rain lately and the lavender is putting on an extra fragrant show. This one is in my ‘back 40’; an area where I generally don’t water. I planted this lavender to see how serious it was about being truly drought tolerant and living off our 7 inches of annual rainfall a year. It has surpassed my expectations and provides beautiful bouquets both fresh and dried.

orange flowers

The orange tree is buzzing with happy bees visiting each pristine white flower. The flowers are opening about the same time the oranges from last year are finally sweetening up.

The scent is heavenly. Sometimes I like to stand under my tree in the morning with my coffee to wake up. Since I’m not moving very quickly at that hour the bees don’t seem to mind.


Why yes, that is an image of a dandelion on my computer screen! Between you and me, I admit to loving seeing their bright yellow faces amongst the green grass. AND I am happy to report that my computer is now fixed and I will be able to once again bring you news from the garden!

Happy Spring and Happy Gardening!